PQE-Self-Supervised Representation Learning

The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou)
Data Science and Analytics Thrust, Information Hub

PhD Qualifying Examination

Title: "Self-Supervised Representation Learning"


Mr. Xiasi WANG


The effectiveness of deep supervised learning heavily depends on the availability of large amounts of labeled data, which
can be expensive to obtain. As a subset of unsupervised learning, self-supervised learning (SSL) has recently garnered
significant attention due to its remarkable ability to learn useful features from large collections of unlabeled data. This
survey provides a comprehensive review of various SSL methods with a specific focus on computer vision (CV). The reviewed
SSL methods are categorized into three types based on their respective pretext tasks. In addition, the multi-view learning
framework within the SSL is reviewed and discussed. Based on this framework, a novel method is proposed for learning minimal
sufficient representation. Finally, future research directions of SSL are discussed. Date: Thursday, 26 Oct 2023 Time: 16:00pm - 17:00pm Venue: Zoom ID 863 0445 5450 Password: 2023 Chairperson: Dr Xin WANG(AI) Committee Members: Prof. Yuan YAO (Prime Supervisor) Prof. Lianwen ZHANG (Co-Supervisor) Dr. Wenjia WANG (DSA)