Research Project

Wiener Graph Deconvolutional Network Improves Graph Self-Supervised Learning


Graph self-supervised learning (SSL) has been vastly employed to learn representations from unlabeled graphs. Existing methods can be roughly divided into predictive learning and contrastive learning, where the latter one attracts more research attention with better empirical performance. We argue that, however, predictive models weaponed with powerful decoder could achieve comparable or even better representation power than contrastive models. In this work, we propose a Wiener Graph Deconvolutional Network (WGDN), an augmentation-adaptive decoder empowered by graph wiener filter to perform information reconstruction. Theoretical analysis proves the superior reconstruction ability of graph wiener filter. Extensive experimental results on various datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach.

Project members

Jia LI

Assistant Professor


Chair Professor


Wiener Graph Deconvolutional Network Improves Graph Self-Supervised Learning. Jiashun Cheng, Man Li, Jia Li, and Fugee Tsung.

Project Period


Research Area

Data-driven AI


ML: Graph-based Machine Learning