Thesis Proposal Examination

Future-Route Data Management System and Applications

The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou)

Data Science and Analytics Thrust

PhD Thesis Proposal Examination

By Ms. Zizhuo XU


Routing results generated by navigation systems are playing an increasingly significant role in transportation efficiency such as applications like Google Map. However, they could generate traffic congestion and imprecise travel time estimation because the traffic condition and routing system are disconnected components in the current routing paradigm. Motivated by these backgrounds, we are interested to propose a new routing paradigm that considering the influence of the routing results in real-time. Specifically, we regard the routing results as the root cause of the future traffic flow, which at the same time is identified as the root cause of traffic conditions. To implement such a system, we identify the following essential subjects: 1) the traffic condition simulation that establishes the relation between traffic flow and traffic condition with guaranteed accuracy; 2) the future route management that supports efficient and accurate simulation of future traffic condition with dynamic route update; 3) the global routing optimization that improves the overall transportation system efficiency; 4) the route data generation that synthesize all vehicles’ route data for simulation. Preliminary design and experimental results will be presented, and the corresponding challenges and research directions will also be discussed.

TPE Committee

Chairperson: Prof. Xiaowen CHU

Prime Supervisor: Prof Lei LI

Co-Supervisor: Prof Xiaofang ZHOU

Examiner: Prof Jia LI


12 June 2024


16:10:00 - 17:25:00



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Zoom Meeting ID:
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Passcode: dsa2024