PhD Qualifying-Exam

A Survey on Graph Query Optimization

The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou)

Data Science and Analytics Thrust

PhD Qualifying Examination

By Mr. Guanghua LI


Graph queries typically consist of subgraph matching, i.e., matching a pattern graph in a data graph, and several other operations such as filtering, aggregation and ordering. A graph query can be answered with different query plans and its performance varies by the query plan. Therefore, graph query optimization, in which query plans are generated and selected, is important for the query performance.

In this survey, we investigate representative methods of graph query optimization. As these methods mostly focus on optimizing subgraph matching, we categorize them into three groups: (1) query optimization in subgraph matching algorithms, (2) subgraph query optimization in relational query engines, and (3) graph-native query optimization for complex graph queries. We further investigate a learning-based join-order optimizer. For each existing method, we analyze three aspects, including optimization rules, cost models and search strategies.

PQE Committee

Chairperson: Prof. Lei CHEN

Prime Supervisor: Prof Qiong LUO

Co-Supervisor: Prof Wei ZHANG

Examiner: Prof Zeyi WEN


04 June 2024


11:10:00 - 12:25:00



Join Link

Zoom Meeting ID:
890 1614 5801

Passcode: dsa2024